
Interested sales representatives can sign up for sales in the Brooklyn, NY,  region or the Philadelphia,  PA,  Region. You may also  sign up for all three. The Cleveland, OH region is not limited to just the  city of Cleveland, but  includes Akron, canton, Lakewood, Lorain, Willoughby, Fairport Harbor, Sandusky  and more. The Philadelphia region includes the surrounding business  regions  such as King Of Prussia, Main Line areas, Kenneth Square, Valley Forge,  South  Jersey, Cherry Hill, NJ; The Jersey Shore and Brooklyn, NY. For a sales  rep to  personally meet with businesses owners (with an online laptop) would be  the most effective way  to sell these ads. However, most business owners are busy running their  businesses. So be prepared to make phone calls and follow-up phone  calls and refer them to the website with your “Rep Code” which will give them a discount when they sign-up, and credit that sale to you. This will increase your success  rate. Most business owners have internet access and can log on and see  the  product.

You can make 20 phone calls in the time that it will take you to drive to a location to visit one business owner. Even if just 4 of those business buy an ad, you would have made $240.00 without leaving your chair. It’s a WIN -WIN SITUATION FOR YOU. NO OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENCE FOR YOU. NOT ONE CENT! NO TRICKS. NO GIMMICKS! You may already have unlimited calls on your phone plan, so just one sale will pay the phone bill for most. 

Phone or email solicitations are ok, but SPAMMING IS ABSOLUTELY FORBIDEN! It is not only illegal, but it is a turn off, and people will REFUSE to do business with you. Please visit the websites (PhiladelphiaBrooklyn, Milwaukee, Charlotte) see the products that we offer so that you will be confident and well informed about what you are selling.

For more  information about the products,  Rep’s compensation and getting started

Click  Here!