Ad Information.

We aim to give our customers more than they paid for.

The Product !

The main Ad product is the “Gold Standard Premium Classified Ad.” It is the MOST ADVANCED, Commerce equipped, Premium Classified Ad available anywhere online.

This is the most superior classified ad option available anywhere today. You, the customer, has full and continual control of your product presentation at all times. This is not your grandfather’s static classified ad. This is a living product. 

The cost of a Premium feature filled classified ad is $179.00 minus any sign-up bonuses or specials that may be offered. Those will be automatically added to your account. However, you must add funds to your account using PayPal® or a credit or Debit Card prior to posting your ad. Their are additional features such as having your ad, images or video featured on the front page that can be purchased either immediately or in the future.

Your ad comes packed with many enhanced features such as multiple images, videos, the latest search engine optimization(SEO) features, which allows seekers of your products or services to find your ad directly from search engines with your own title page and meta tags.

**IMPORTANT: your Ad will be indexed by google independently**

Our site has the ability to connect to more than 300 social media links around the world, such as Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, LinkedIn, Google buzz, Orbix, iSociety, iWiW, Jamespot, Think finity, Symbol and many many more You may also add links to your own website if one is available. Unlike traditional classified ads, you have the ability to completely modify your ad at any time. You may change ANY information at ANY time, including the advertising category. This means if you changed your business you can completely change your entire ad, or sell it to someone else.

Bonus for convention advertisers:

All classified ads will remain on or at least until September 30th 2021 or beyond.   And as an additional bonus, your ad will be placed on an additional WEBSITE FOR ONE YEAR. ( advertisors will have their ad on, and advertisors will have their ad on for one year) 

Many visitors to convention cities return after the convention to take advantages of opportunities that they may have been too busy for during the convention week. Many visit these cities after the conventions as people do Olympic cities, to see and do and experience things that they saw on TV or online. This extends the economic opportunities for business long after the convention is over. The months and weeks leading up to the the convention, your city will become the primary focus of media around the world. Because election of the President of the United states has world wide implication, your city will become the bulls eye for the global media.

Rep Compensation

Compensation Structure

Compensations are based on basic Ad sales of $179.00 ( which will be discounted even further by the discount that your Rep’s code will carry,($15.00) and other discounts we may offer)
For each Ad you sell your commission will be $60.00 (roughly 33.5%)
After Selling 10 Ads, for the 11th Ad you get $150.00 (Only for that 11th Ad)
Then the count starts over again at one, on the 22nd Ad sale you get another $150.00 and so on to the 33rd Ad, and 44th Ad.
*After Selling 50 Ads,(On the 51st Ad) your commission will be $70.00(roughly 39.1% for each Ad sold.
The $150.00 bonus will continue for each 11th Ad sale.
*After 150 Ad sales, (from the 151st Ad onwards) the commission will be $80.00 (roughly 45%) for each Ad sold and $150.00 for each 11th Ad sold.

Customer / Sales Tracking:

Upon Registering as a sales Rep at ( DNC ) or(GOP) ( You may register for both) Your username must be entered by the customer in the area that is for “sales rep” code. You must stress to prospective customer that they use your code, because there will be discounts of 10, 15, or 20.00 dollars that will be added to their account for using your code upon registering. This will identify that customer as belonging to you. And the sale will be credited to you. From the back end we can track all of your customers that way. You will also have a location to sign in to see all of the customers that you sold ads to. This eliminates any discrepancies or misunderstandings. Our aim is to pay you and reward you for your efforts, not rob you.


If you recruit another Sales Rep, you will receive $10.00 for each Ad they sell for up 100 Ads.
So a recruit can make you one thousand dollars.
This is not a Ponzi or pyramid system; there are no gimmicks, simply, straight, honest cash for service.

Our Sales Rep Policy will be in accordance with the laws of the states of  Pennsylvania

Payments of Commission

Payments of commissions will be made within 3 business days of sale; since this is the approximately time it takes for credit card payments to be cleared through credit card processing companies. Also, customers will have 2 days (48 hours) from the time of registration to cancel their ad for a full refund. Payment may be made sooner in some instances. Our aim is to make payments twice per week. We believe a paid worker is a happy and motivated worker. Our Primary method of payment will be through PayPal. Therefore, Reps are encouraged to have a PayPal account to facilitate easy and convenient payment. If you already have a PayPal account, you should use that account email on your sign-up form. For those choosing to be paid by check, checks will be mailed once per week.


As an Independent Sales Representative, you will be required to file and pay your own taxes according to the legal tax guidelines that apply to you. We (Extended Commerce Inc.) will not be withholding taxes from your commission payments. However, in accordance with Federal Law, if your earnings are more than $600.00 in the given tax year, we are required to file an IRS form 1099 and send you a copy. IRS Form 1099 can be found here.
If you decide to become a sales rep, your Social Security number will be required after you have completed your registration form online. For GOP or DNC

Start earning money now. If you have any questions, please contact us.