Extended Commerce is offering an exciting opportunity to earn solid cash starting immediately and through the next year.

We have the exclusive rights to market and promote various websites, and will be adding a lot more very rapidly.

If you have experience with sales and advertising, this is a golden opportunity for you. Computer and internet knowledge is helpful, but not absolutely necessary.

Some benefits:

  • Work as an Independent Contractor.
  • Get paid 2 -3 times a week.
  • Performances bonuses.
  • Work at your own pace.
  • No limit to what you can make.

This is a time sensitive, but great opportunity for you to earn money by helping businesses to earn more profits this coming year.

Click here for info!

    Our Services

    Website Development
    Website Promotion
    Business Advertising
    Web Domain Registration & Hosting

    About Us

    We are a group of citizens dedicated to the extending of the benefits of commerce to all. Our goal is to extend opportunity not just to the “Big” and “Well Established”, commercial entities, but also to the small businesses, entrepreneurs and individuals along the commercial “food chain”, and unite providers with consumers, thus the name, “Extended Commerce”

    We have been involved in internet business and commerce since 1998 and have helped many small businesses, entrepreneurs, community services organizations, churches, and non-profit organizations extend their operation beyond their local geographical domain via the World Wide Web, marrying ideas, goods and services to seekers of such.